What Do You Need in a Fish Tank? (9+ Must-Haves)

Many of us tend to think of fish as no-fuss pets, but then we go to the local pet store and realize that there are tons of aquarium gadgets that we were not aware of.

Some of these gadgets are essential to the survival of the fish in the tank, while the rest are only useful for specific applications. You’ll also find some gadgets that are absolutely useless.

In this article, we’ll help cover all of the essential components that you need inside your fish tank and go over some items that may not be all that important but can be of tremendous use to you.

fish in aquarium

Fish Tank

Of course, the first component you need to have if you’re going to get some aquarium buddies is a fish tank. But we’re not here to state the obvious. Your fish tank must be large enough for your fish to live in healthily. A large aquarium will provide more oxygen for the fish to breathe and will be less toxic than a smaller tank.

When picking your aquarium, keep into your consideration the space you have available for it at home. You can’t just go and buy a 50-gallon aquarium and expect to fit it in a dorm room. A nice, reasonable-sized tank should be somewhere around 20 gallons. Further, you want to stay away from those super tall and thin tanks and always go for a shorter and longer tank.

A great 20-gallon fish tank that we’d highly recommend is the Tetra 20-Gallon Aquarium Kit. This is a  24.2″ L x 12.4″ W x 16.7″ H aquarium that’s made of durable, scratch-resistant glass. It has an LED hood equipped to provide a natural daytime effect. Additionally, it’s equipped with a filter that provides a powerful and reliable water flow. Definitely a terrific deal for around $100.

Aquarium Stand

Apart from the weight of the aquarium itself when it’s completely empty, do you know how many pounds 20 gallons are? That’s around 160 pounds, which is insanely heavy. You can’t just place your 20-gallon aquarium on a board bookcase and expect it to sit there for extended periods of time. You need a stand that features sturdy construction to be able to hold your aquarium.

The Imagitarium Newport Wooden Tank Stand is an ideal stand for a 20-gallon aquarium. It can be easily assembled by following the instructions manual. Its sleek, modern design will certainly add to your room’s aesthetics. This tank stand features adjustable, protective nylon leveling feet that provide ideal stability for your fish tank so that it stays firmly in place.

Obviously, you can find plenty of other aquarium stands that are designed for smaller fish tanks. Just remember to go as large as possible with your fish tank to ensure the longevity of your fish.

Filtration System

A reliable filtration system is probably the most crucial component of a fish tank. There are many different styles of filters on the market, but we’d highly recommend bio-wheel filtration systems. The size of the filter depends mainly on the size of the tank. You want to go with a filter that can filter the water in your aquarium at least four times per hour. We highly recommend the Fluval FX6 Canister Filter.

Hood & Lights

This is another essential component to have in a fish tank. The hood prevents fish from jumping out of the tank. It also helps reduce the evaporation rate of water. A good hood will seal the tank completely, apart from where the filter and the water heater are located. Fish tanks are sold with lids separate from a light source. A hood, however, is a lid that features a joined light source.

Light is important for two main reasons. Firstly, it provides energy for the plants in the tank if you have any. Secondly, it allows you to see your fish clearly while swimming in the tank. After all, if you can’t see and admire the beauty of your fish, then what’s the point of having an aquarium?

If there are no plants in your fish tank, then you should go with a low-wattage fluorescent bulb. If you’re looking to grow plants in the tank, however, then you’ll need more light. In that case, LED lights are a favorable option to go with. Check out the NICREW ClassicLED Aquarium Light.

Water Heater

Tropical fish require a temperature of around 78°F, and unless the environment where you keep your fish tank can maintain its temperature in that range, you’ll definitely need a heater. A heater ensures that the aquarium doesn’t get cool, especially during cold winter nights. It maintains the temperature throughout the course of the day.

Aquarium heaters are divided into two categories: submersible and traditional hang-on-the-tank units. Submersible heaters are, as the name suggests, submerged completely below water. The traditional water heater has a partially submerged glass tube that houses the heating coils, with its controls being above the water.

Generally speaking, submersible aquarium heaters are a lot more favored than traditional units in terms of the design. Submersible heaters can easily be placed along the bottom of the tank in a horizontal fashion, which helps distribute the heat uniformly across the tank and prevent the exposure of the heater when doing water changes.

When it comes to the size of the heater, a general rule of thumb to go with is 5 watts/gallon for a small fish tank and 3 watts/gallon for a larger fish tank. The Fluval M is one of the most popular submersible heaters on the market. It has a 50-watt capacity and it’s perfect for fish tanks between 2 to 10 gallons.

Air Pumps

Air pumps help ensure that the fish tank has a sufficient concentration of oxygen and it’s used to force water through the tank’s filtration system. As long as your aquarium maintains great water movement and surface agitation, air pumps are not really needed. The Tetra Whisper Air Pump is the most popular in this category and you should definitely check it out. If you have a fairly large fish tank, then you should get a powerhead instead.


Powerheads are water pumps that are usually submerged completely inside the aquarium. The lift tubes found in many UGF filters are where powerheads are typically attached. You can control the direction of the water flow of the powerhead with ease. Ideally, you want to point the pump in a way that allows the water to circulate around the entire tank and agitate the water surface.

The Hydor Koralia Nano Aquarium Circulation Pump is a top of the line powerhead that will help keep the water in your aquarium well circulated. This powerhead is featured in three models of different flow rates: 240gph, 425gph, and 565gph. The Hydor Koralia Circulation Pump features magnet-suction cup support that allows you to position it however you want in the tank.


Having gravel in your fish tank serves a number of purposes. Gravel serves as decoration, it’s used as the filter media for a lot of UGF filters, and it serves as a substrate for plant roots. The type and quality of the substrate is dependent on the plants that you have in your tank, so we’d highly advise that you consult a professional before making your decision.

Gravel varies in color and size as well, and it’s up to you to decide the color and size of gravels you want to see in your fish tank. However, keep in mind that darker gravel colors will highlight the colors of the fish in your tank better than lighter colors, as fish adjust their colors depending on that of their surroundings.


Thermometers are great little tools that help you make sure that your fish tank maintains proper temperature. You can find two types of thermometers on the market: stick-on thermometers and submersible thermometers. Stick-on models are easy to read and quite affordable. However, if you plan on breeding fish, then you should go for a submersible model. Check out the Zacro LCD Digital Aquarium Thermometer.

Miscellaneous Tools

The easiest way to get rid of the water in your fish tank is by simply siphoning it. If you have a larger tank, you may want to opt for a water siphon hose can also help you dispense of water right into a drain. When you siphon your water, it’s important to vacuum the gravel in the tank. You can find water changing hoses that have a gravel vacuuming attachment in your local pet shop.

You also want to make sure that you get an algae scrubber because sooner or later, some algae are going to grow in your aquarium. Alternatively, you can go with an algae magnet. It’s a little bit more expensive than a scraper, but it will save you a lot of time and effort.

During your water changes, you need to make sure that you have a clean bucket handy at all times for you to put the fish in. We’d advise buying a bucket that will only serve that purpose. Avoid putting any chemicals such as soap in the bucket as they could be lethal to the fish.

Another thing you need to have is a high-quality fishnet. If you have difficulties catching fish with just one net, then you should go ahead and buy two instead. Keeping a spare net will come in handy if the one you’re using gets torn or damaged in some way.

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